Should My Cat Be Shaved?

a woman grooms a cat

From managing shedding to preventing matting and ensuring overall cleanliness, cat grooming plays a pivotal role in maintaining the health and well-being of your four-legged companion. But should you consider shaving your cat as part of their grooming regimen?

Is Shaving a Cat Bad?

Shaving a cat isn’t necessarily a bad thing! If you’re wondering why anyone would think about shaving their cat, here are some reasons:


Medical Reasons: Sometimes, a veterinarian may recommend shaving a cat for medical purposes. This could be to remove mats or tangles that are causing discomfort or skin issues, or to facilitate treatment of a skin condition.

Severe Matting: Cats with long fur can develop severe matting, which can be painful and may lead to skin problems. In such cases, shaving the cat may be a necessary solution to alleviate the discomfort.

Overheating: In extremely hot weather, some owners choose to shave their cats to help them stay cool. However, it’s important to remember that a cat’s fur also provides insulation, and excessive shaving can make them more susceptible to sunburn and temperature fluctuations so this is not a recommended option.

Allergies: Some people are allergic to cat dander, which is found in a cat’s skin cells and saliva. Shaving a cat may reduce the amount of dander in the environment, potentially helping with allergies. However, it’s not a guaranteed solution, and other measures like regular grooming and cleaning are often more effective.

On the other hand, there are situations where shaving a cat can be considered a bad choice:

is shaving a cat bad?


Cosmetic Reasons: Shaving a cat solely for cosmetic reasons is generally not recommended. Cats’ fur serves various purposes, including protection from the sun, regulation of body temperature, and protection against parasites. Shaving them for aesthetics can disrupt these functions.

Stress: Most cats do not enjoy being shaved. The process can be stressful for them, potentially leading to behavioral issues and a strained relationship with their owner.

Risk of Injury: Shaving a cat requires skill and the use of appropriate tools. Without the proper training and equipment, there is a risk of injuring the cat.


In general, the decision to shave should be made with caution. If you believe your cat is suffering from the heat, it’s often better to provide alternative ways to keep them cool, such as air conditioning, fans, access to fresh water, and shaded areas. Cats usually don’t require shaving for heat, as they can find cool spots inside. Outdoor cats may be more active but still need their fur for protection. Routine grooming, including brushing, can help prevent matting and maintain a cat’s coat functionality, while professional groomers can trim the fur in extreme cases without compromising its protective properties. Consulting with a veterinarian for advice on managing your cat’s comfort in hot weather is also a good idea. 

Expert Cat Grooming in Colorado

At Collar Cuts, we take pride in our expertise in feline care. Our team of experienced groomers provides comprehensive grooming services tailored to your cat’s unique needs. We offer a full suite of grooming options, including a relaxing bath, thorough brushing to remove mats and tangles, and precise hair cutting. If you’re looking for a shave to address specific concerns, rest assured that we have the knowledge and skills to do so safely and effectively. Your cat’s comfort and well-being are our top priorities, and we’re committed to ensuring they leave our mobile salon looking and feeling their best.


Check out these awesome results from our cat groomers:


before and after cat grooming

cat groomers in Erie, Thornton Co


